If Your Girlfriend asks you why Do you love her? See What To Answer Her In Love Language

1. If you're in a serious relationship with her, she's damn obsessive over you. And that's something natural. So, trust me, each and every girl is. &;found asking this question to the person she's dating, at some point or the other.
.This question isn't something very tricky that you'll have to apply all your wits or you'd have to come up with some really decorative. flowery sentences. No. That's not what she's asked for. I've seen many who take these questions as tricks and traps for themselves, thereby complicating the matter. Trust me, there's no such complications taking place in her mind.
And the reply to why do you love her? Really? Why are you asking this here? Isn't she your girlfriend? > Isn't she your love? You know better what made you love her. Follow your guts and tell her what made you go nuts for her. Whether it's the sway of her waist, or the curl of her lips when she talks, or her smile, or the way she looks at you, or her intellect, it might be anything, but all you'll have to do is, say it. Again, these are not what made you love her. These are some things that you love about her, that are just special about her. Don't make these things the reason for your love.
Another thing is that, remember that Love doesn't demand for explanations or reasons. Love happens. It isn't a decision that you can provide with answers. I want you to understand this and also to make her realise this. Definitely she'll like it. Tell her that you don't get those butterflies in your stomach or your heart doesn't skip a beat when you see her. All these symptoms are not for love.    Generally we get these when we see someone we have a crush upon. Love is when you see her and feel comfortable, relaxed, calm and safe. There's the feeling of Love. Tell all this in the best way it suits you. After all she's your girl, you'd know better, right? I don't care for what you have or what you are or how beautiful you are, or how rich you are. All I know is - you are all I need, and I Love You for being with me, the way you.


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